Since Joe Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election in November 2020, the corporate press has gone on a nonstop, uncompromising campaign to discredit Donald Trump and any allegations of possible voter fraud.
One disclaimer I feel I need to make: I don’t vote and would not have voted for Trump. Do I think the election was stolen from him? Well, let’s just imagine for a minute: We, as Americans, are watching the election results in Russia as Putin and his opponent are in a very close race during the first day of vote-counting. Then they announce that they’re stopping the count at midnight. The next morning, they find hundreds of thousands of votes, all for Putin, that they had “misplaced” the night before.
Would your first thought be, “Well, that’s quite the coinky dink!”? Probably not. We’d all think that something sneaky took place in the wee hours of the morning, but would chalk it up to just another corrupt government doing corrupt things to secure power.
But America’s different, right?
Regardless, since Biden’s election victory and Trump’s charges that he was robbed of his rightful place in the White House, the corporate press has done all it can to make Trump appear to be a fraud, a liar, and the instigator of the January 6 riot at the Capitol Building. A truly wicked man who has sullied the Oval Office and perpetuates his election fraud lies to this day, and anyone who still supports him is an anti-government, truth-denying white supremacist! By golly, he’s the worst man to even consider voting for in 2024, should he choose to run.
Now, if the corporate press wasn’t so transparently devoid of principles and integrity, this might have worked. It might have convinced the over 70 million voters who cast their ballots for Trump to reconsider the wisdom in their choice. But it didn’t.
At the most recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), a poll was taken, as it is at every event, to gauge the favored presidential candidate in the next election. Trump won handily, receiving 70% of the votes.
Is this indicative of the entire Republican base? Maybe not, but it’s not nothing.
Taken at face value, this means that they still want him after all the months of propaganda… or maybe because of it.
I’m not unique in my opinion, but I had always believed that the election of Donald Trump was a reflection of his supporters’ frustration with the “woke” movement, the constant lecturing about how racist America is, and the overall caricature the Left portrays conservatives as a bunch of xenophobic, science-denying rubes.
If the Left and the corporate press (but I repeat myself) had done any kind of self-reflection about their role in making President Trump a reality, they might have gained a more rational perspective and done what they could to revive their integrity as people who want to work with their political opposites to bring about unity. Instead, since his election defeat, they’ve simply doubled down on their overt contempt for him and his supporters.
Surprisingly, their finger wagging and lecturing didn’t convince Trump voters what fools they’ve been. Further, it didn’t bring together people of different political leanings after the supposed revelation that these people voted for a horrible, racist instigator of violence. There’s no more unity than there was before November 6, 2020, in fact, the divide is arguably even wider.
And that divide is reflected in the overwhelming support for Trump’s 2024 candidacy. So what now?
The propaganda didn’t work. Those 74 million Trump voters aren’t deterred, in fact they’re emboldened to fight what they see as a system that will gladly sacrifice them for political gain.
For those on the opposite side of the political aisle – what do you do with these people? Hold them in contempt forever and make every election about imposing your will on them? Is that really how you want to spend your life?
It seems like a waste of time and emotion if you ask me.
Maybe it’s time to seriously consider an alternative. Those who speak on your behalf – the Democratic Party, the corporate press, academia, Hollywood – they’ve tried their best over the past eight months… nay… the last four years… to convince Trump supporters that he was unfit for office and worse, an existential threat to America. And it didn’t work.
You’ve got a lifetime of work ahead of you if you plan to convince the majority of right-leaning voters that they should abandon their loyalties. It’s not worth it.
Become an advocate for peaceful separation. There’s no reason you should ever have to exist among those who would elect someone like Trump. Your contempt for them only fuels them and they won’t stop politically aggravating you at every opportunity.
Join those who share your values and want to see the type of society you favor. There’s no reason you can’t have the president you want… and we all know it isn’t Joe Biden. Get everything you want from your government and more. The only way to accomplish that is to live and operate among those who share your goals, not fighting those who don’t.
If Trump’s popularity continues, he could very well run again in 2024. Are you ready to endure that stress again? Do what you can to make that irrelevant in your life until then. Join us in advocating for the national divorce that’s so desperately needed in America.
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