No, this isn’t Joe’s new book, but if he wanted to pen such a manual, he seems like a good subject matter expert.
In a speech that previewed some of his plans to promote economic recovery, Biden included this quote:
Over the last several years, I’ve been battered with the non-stop identitarian political rhetoric of how racist America is. Oddly, much of this language was being espoused during the SECOND term of Barack Obama (remember… our first black president?). And since the “racist” slur lost a little of its bite in that time, “white supremacist” became the next level in rational public discourse when describing the United States.
I write this the weekend before Martin Luther King Day, a holiday to honor the man whose most famous line is probably:
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
I’ve spent all of my life believing that this is the correct way to approach humanity. I care not one wit about what someone looks like as long as we share similar principles, values, and cultural norms. Forget feeling a sense of moral superiority, it’s simply intellectually lazy to judge, and worse, dismiss, someone based on the amount of melanin in their skin.
However, as demonstrated above by Biden and the woke cult that seems to dominate the American politic, we are apparently absolutely going to make judgments and policy solely based on skin color and chromosomal make-up.
This is all in the name of racial and gender equality. But any rational person with a base-level intellect can see where this is going.
If progressives (I have no idea how a group of people who want to promote equality by via racial favoritism can call themselves “progressive” with a straight face) are serious in their assessment that America’s culture and institutions are founded on racism, do they honestly think this is the way to correct that problem?
The question answers itself.
There are really only two scenarios that can come from policies like this:
- White Americans obediently accept that non-whites will receive favored treatment in public policy in the name of equality.
- White Americans will grow to resent people of color because of their favored treatment in public policy in the name of equality.
Living on this planet for any substantial amount of time teaches us that human beings are not automatons. Even those who endure the government K-12 educational program have some intellectual independence as adults: they read other books and engage in discussions that include ideas that might be new to them, and it either confirms or, more often, challenges concepts they learned in their childhood education.
No matter how much politicians try to indoctrinate their constituents in the new order, there will be resistance by people whom the policies do not benefit. It’s very difficult to get 100% compliance in a society outside of authoritarian rule. North Korea is probably the prime example of a fully compliant population, but it’s been achieved through a constant fear-based governance.
So when the message by the next leader of our “free” country is that white people have to sit at the back of the bus, where do we think that’s going to go?
If Ludwig Von Mises taught us anything in his opus “Human Action” it’s that human beings act in ways that will benefit their current situation: if you’re hungry, you eat something in order to take away the pain associated with hunger; if you’re tired from standing, you sit down; and so on. Likewise, people who are segregated or marginalized by government coercion tend to find ways to improve their situation, often in seeking social and economic situations in which they are treated more respectfully.
It’s not like we haven’t seen this before.
Likewise, disenfranchised white people who feel that they aren’t being given a fair shake because the economic policy du jour explicitly denies them equal opportunity will find solace and acceptance in people and organizations who provide a sense of worth. And then what do we think happens?
If this is the new order – if national public policies are to be based on racial considerations – race relations in America will undoubtedly deteriorate. Resentment on both parts – by whites because of the inequity and non-whites because how dare white people resent such obviously socially and economically just policies – will grow to the point of violence.
If those who occupy the ruling institutions of our nation really wanted to see people of all races living and working together in the most harmonious society possible (you know… MLK’s dream), any hint of racial favoritism would be exorcised from all public policy and rhetoric. It wasn’t just in the age of Jim Crow, and it’s no more morally acceptable now.
However, clearly this is not the order of the day with the new administration. So with what are we left?
For me, it’s obvious: peaceful separation.
If one segment of the current America wants to live under race-based public policies, that’s hunky dory with me. But let those of us who want actual harmony between races break off and form communities based on shared cultures, values, and goals (both social and economic).
If we attempt to continue this further social and economic decline, we do so at our own peril. It’s not worth stoking the flames of racial tensions simply out of some sentimental attachment to the idea that we need to carry on as the United States of America. Let’s not tread down this dangerous path.
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