I’m generally against using anecdotal evidence to present something as fact, but I think a recent video from Ami Horowitz of the Daily Wire is as much of a prime example of why the dream of a healed, unified America is just that – a dream.

It was recently uploaded to YouTube, so you might not have seen it. Here it is. Please watch it and come back.

Now that you’ve watched, if you still believe that our country has not diverged into at least two completely divergent and irreconcilable cultures, I’d love to hear that argument. Maybe you can convince me that the United States of America is worth saving. Perhaps I can come away from your analysis believing that the status quo of one city lording over 330 million individuals with different backgrounds, economic status, worldviews, and principles can be preserved and flourish in the future.

Come on. Let’s deal with reality on reality’s terms.

The interviewees started off well with verbal gestures that seemed to indicate their willingness to work with those on the other side of the political aisle to help ensure a better future for America. But as issue after issue was posed to them, it became clear that their initial platitudes were a façade. Their idea of compromise is that Republicans get on board or STFU.

How can a society continue under one political system like that?

I know. You’re thinking that these are just a handful of people and Ami didn’t ask them about other issues. But he brought up some pretty big, important topics! What do you suppose these folks willing to compromise on or meet Republicans halfway? Regulations on the pasteurization of dairy products? Maybe?

Yes. These are a handful of people. OK. Think about those friends or colleagues you know who hold relatively opposite ideological and political perspectives and how they feel about these issues. Do you ever come to a consensus on abortion, climate change, border control, etc.?

And if you do, OK. Wouldn’t it be better to separate with those people and establish a new nation in which people seem more capable to come to a 50/50 agreement on such important topics? You can call it Compromistan.

Let’s not fool ourselves. As small and anecdotal as this example might be, it undeniably reflects what we all know to be true – America is on completely divergent paths. For all his talk, Joe Biden will not mend this split. Half of the country already believes with all their hearts that he stole the election. Not a good start.

It’s time to be honest. Let’s come to a real and productive agreement and break up the United States as soon as possible, before the obvious fissures become too damaging.