Most of us grew up believing that America was a sacred institution – a place where people of all cultures could live in harmony with the goal of pursuing their dreams in peaceful coexistence.
I certainly believed that up until a few years ago. But it’s become increasingly clear that the vision of America we’re taught to cherish from a very young age no longer exists. Furthermore, any attempt to “unify” our country is an exercise in futility.
The reality is simple: 330 million people with completely opposite values and goals cannot coexist under a political system run by a few hundred politicians (and god knows however many unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats whose names we’ll never even know) in one city.
We like to think of our republic as a system that can find compromise through the ballot box – that we can elect politicians who will find the best one-size-fits-all policy that satisfies most Americans. With every election, it becomes more obvious that this is a farce, especially as the U.S. government takes it upon itself to control more aspects of our lives.
As outlined in our page, Why the U.S. Should Break Up, the chasm of values and principles between American cultures is too great to reconcile. The United States of America needs to be dissolved.
It’s a hard thing to admit, but it’s the truth. The 2016 and 2020 elections have shown that the divide in America is too great to be ignored. To try to remain under one political system will not mend the fissure and will only prove to increase the resentment and hostility between Americans.
Dissolution of our political bonds is the only way to achieve a peaceful coexistence. While we might think the policies of Germany or Pakistan are backward and illogical, for the most part, we don’t tend to feel personal animosity toward the citizens of those countries. Why? Nothing they do (apart from the extreme example of launching a military attack on our nation) affects us because we don’t share their respective political systems.
The same can happen here. The problem is that the idea of America as a 50-state, 330-million entity is so engrained in our psyche, that any thought of dismantling it seems unfathomable, and even traumatic, for most Americans.
That’s why I created Peaceful Separation – to try to get more people used to the idea of what has to happen in order to live more peaceful lives with like-minded people instead of our continued reality of screaming at and even wishing death upon those with whom we disagree ideologically.
There’s no reason the United States of America needs to remain as it is other than a sense of tradition and/or pride. Continuing as we are means that our elections become less about fostering compromise and harmony and more about exacting revenge upon our political enemies. Worse, the protests and counterprotests we read about on a regular basis will only become more violent and deadly.
That’s a horrible existence and completely unnecessary.
Americans need to become more comfortable with the idea of separation. It’s the only way to avoid further anxiety, hostility, and violence.
Peaceful Separation is, hopefully, a first step toward that end.
I’m with you on this.