Call to Action

How you can help spread the word and make peaceful separation a reality in our time

Peaceful Separation is meant to be a conversation starter – a first step toward the decentralization of the United States of America.

If, after reading the content of our site, you agree that decentralization is the best way for you and your neighbors to live a more fulfilling existence in societies where like-minded individuals can thrive while pursuing shared goals, then we encourage you to share this website and make its ideas topics of conversations with family, friends, and colleagues.

If you are politically active, raise concept of peaceful separation at town halls with local representatives. Suggest it as a plank in your local party’s platform.

The good news is you’re not starting from zero. In Texas, for instance, there’s a well established movement to push for Texan independence.

Likewise, there are movements in California and Washington, movements that have gained steam since Donald Trump’s presidential election.

And it’s not just in the U.S. that holds passionate separatist movements. History is bursting with examples. For instance, the Quebec Separation movement is frequently up for debate in Canada.

There are plenty of examples of movements in favor of self-determination by like-minded people who have been politically alienated or displaced by their current system. The problem is that the United States government, aided heavily by the corporate press, has made the idea of secession seem like it’s only favored by a bunch of backward racist hicks who just love guns and want to reinstate slavery.

Our goal is to dispel this myth and make the idea of peaceful separation a desired mainstream conversation. The way to do that is to get more people talking about it and convincing others that it’s the preferable alternative to fighting with and screaming at our neighbors until we lay on our deathbeds, look back on our lives, and reflect on all the time wasted trying to preserve the failed experiment that is the U.S.A.

We need your help.

Democracy by Executive Order

Democracy by Executive Order

The biggest problem here should be pretty obvious: how do you run your presidential campaign on a mission to save the soul of America and then behave like you’re trying to save the soul of Zimbabwe? This is probably how Robert Mugabe handles affairs in that country’s government, but here, at least as I learned in grade school, we’re supposed to have a legislative process: Congress passes a bill, Senate votes on it, President signs or vetoes. Remember that? I don’t think I even knew what an executive order was until the Obama years and it became an increasingly hotter issue.