Peaceful Separation

Nonviolent coexistence through political decentralization


It’s time to admit the obvious:

The United States of America is over.

It’s been great, but with every passing day, it becomes more obvious that it’s time to go our separate ways.

Many of you reading this still have a romantic vision of the United States – the great melting pot of diverse cultures that participate in a republican system in which everyone can make their voices heard and elect people who find common ground among different viewpoints and bring about solutions everyone can agree will impact society for the better.

That’s nice, but a complete fantasy.

A Nice Idea

Granted, no matter what you think of it now, it’s an exercise in futility to deny that America was a great experiment. It was conceived, in essence, as a place where people could attempt to live the ideals of liberty – somewhere they could pursue their goals and dreams without interference from a heavy-handed ruler.

Imagine, the first real nation since the establishment of Western society that sought to place the individual before the ruling class. Other nations up until the birth of the United States operated on the assumption that the king, emperor, etc. was the sovereign and that individuals were to put him above themselves

The Romantic Vision of America is No More

America was different. “We the People” meant something – it meant that first there was the individual, his property, and his right to pursue his own happiness in whatever way he chose.

It’s impossible to reject that this vision gradually disintegrated over the past 246 years, with a particular acceleration in the 20th Century… so much so that the Founding Fathers would not recognize this as the nation they established if they paid us a visit today.

The number of contradictory elements that created conflict among our diverse population over the years are too many to mention. Some of them stemmed from cultural clashes, but most are founded in the growth of government – slavery and Jim Crow, the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the income tax, drug prohibition, conscription, entitlement programs, etc.

We believe the time for pretending that the romantic vision of the U.S.A. is over. It’s time for a new, peaceful beginning that provides the kind of communities we want without the constant political and ideological battles that divide us and create such unnecessary hostile attitudes toward others.